In this page you will find information about the Projects of the Asimovo RoboDevOps Platform.
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In this page you will find information about the Projects of the Asimovo RoboDevOps Platform.
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Projects on the Asimovo platform are areas to work, which can include a project-tool kit, team members, assets/work packages and the ability to share the outputs of the development and testing cycles carried out as a team. Each project has a dashboard overview where you can see the latest changes and comments. In simple terms: how about: projects serve the purpose of structuring your work on the Asimovo platform.
On the Home page of the Asimovo platform, you can overview your personal and all of the public projects that are made available on the platform. To overview your projects you can select whether you want to view All, only your personal ones, only the public ones, or the ones you recently visited.
You can open a project by clicking on the >
symbol on the bottom-right of its tile. The icon on top-left of the tile indicates if the project is public or personal.
Personal projects are private unless you share them with specific users, while public projects are available to every Asimovo user. You can create workspaces and run simulations in any personal or public project, but you need to be added to the Team of the project with the appropriate access rights to edit the assets that belong to them.
You can create a new project by clicking on the Create Project button. This will open up a panel where you can name the project, add a description to it, and specify whether you want the project to be public or personal.
After a project is created, you can edit its properties by clicking on the ⋮symbol on the top-right of its tile, and choosing Edit. In this drop-down menu you also have the option to Copy or Delete a project. Clicking on View will open the overview page of that project.
Clicking on the >
symbol on the bottom-right of the project's tile also opens the overview page of that project.
On this overview page you can see the storage and credits belonging to the project as well as how much of them was already used. Some of the assets that belong to the project are also shown as well as the project owner and team members.
A project includes Workspaces and Assets of simulations ran in the span of that project. Moreover, every project has a Team with its members having a defined set of roles, and a Documentation page.
Workspaces are local or cloud based integrated development environments. A workspace can be configured with different images, assets and compute resources. By clicking on the My Workspaces option in the left menu, you can access the Workspaces created by you that belong to this Project. For more information about Workspaces, please visit the Workspaces page of this tutorial.
An asset is something you can add to your simulation. They can be the robots that you are working on (Robot type asset), the environments these robots are living in (Environment type asset), or any other component that can be a part of what you make (Component type asset). Under the Assets Library menu you can overview the Robot, Environment and Component assets that belong to the project. For more information about assets, please visit the Assets page of this tutorial.
While running a simulation you can save a wide range of data types, including rosbag sensor data, images, videos, text files, logs, and more. This allows you to easily preserve all the valuable information for future use. Under the Results menu, you can see the results that were saved from the various simulations belonging to the project. For more information, please visit the Results page of this tutorial.
Under the Team members menu you can see and modify the members of the project. You can add or delete users, as well as change their set of roles. For more information, please visit the Teams page of this tutorial.
Every Project has a Documentation page attached to it. It is available by clicking on Documentation on the left-side menu. The project team can choose how best to use this functionality for collaboration and sharing. For more information, please visit the Documentation page of this tutorial.
See our next tutorial about the Workspaces of the Asimovo RoboDevOps Platform.