ROSbot control
This page gives you information about the control of the ROSbot robot.
The workspace which is used on the Husarion ROSbot is available here. This needs to run on the robot itself.
The packages inside the husarion_ws_two workspace were copied from the system of the Husarion ROSbot 2 robot. Information about the creator and the licences of these packages are available in their respective folders. A few small modifications were made, consisting of:
Setting the use_sim_time parameter true in the all.launch launchfile of the rosbot_ekf package
Commenting out the launching of astra camera and rplidar in rosbot_drivers.launch of the husarion_ros package.
The drivers of the robot are launched by the rosbot_drivers.launch file which belongs to the husarion_ros package. This launchfile launches the all.launch
file from the rosbot_ekf package, which in turn starts a rosserial node, an ekf node and a message conversion node, all through their own respecive launchfiles.
After this system is started up, the robot can be controlled by velocity command messages through the cmd_vel
topic. This can be done in various ways: you can use a teleoperation node (for example if you would only like to quickly test the driving), or you can use various navigation packages (for example if you would like to make the robot carry out more complex tasks).
Last updated